Translators and Authors

BALINT Adina: Professor at The University of Winnipeg, Canada. Her research focuses on twentieth and twenty-first century French literature (Le Processus de création dans l'œuvre de J.M.G. Le Clézio, Brill, 2016 ; co-editor of the Les Cahiers de J.M.G. Le Clézio N°7). In 2021, she has become the coordinator of the online J.-M. G. Dictionary.

DAY-HOOKOOMSING Patricia: PhD in Education, BA Joint Honours Latin and French, University of Reading, UK. Long and varied career in English language teaching, corporate training, and translation work in Mauritius. Currently owner and managing director of an independent corporate training firm. Research interests: English in the global economy and women’s entrepreneurship.

LÉGER Thierry: Senior Associate Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and Professor of French at Kennesaw University State (USA) and Co-Director of the International Council on Francophone Studies ( His research focuses mainly on the works of Le Clézio. In addition to articles published in several journals including Europe and Les Cahiers J.-M.G. Le Clézio, he has co-directed with Isabelle GILLET-ROUSSEL and Marina SALLES, Le Clézio, passeur des arts et des cultures, 2010 and with Fredrik WESTERLUND, La Violence dans les premières œuvres, Les Cahiers Le Clézio, n° 9, 2016.

LOKHA Eileen: Professor at the University of Calgary. Her research focuses on the francographic literatures of the Mascareignes and of the West Indies, on minority writing and on problems of identity and of memory. As a writer born in Mauritius (Jean Fanchette Prize 2006 for C’était écrit, Déclinaisons masculines, 2015), she has published La Femme, cette inconnue Isle de France, terre des hommes (île Maurice, L’Atelier d’écriture, 2013). She is the author of several articles on the works of J.M.G. Le Clézio and has co-edited Les Cahiers J.-M. G. Le Clézio no.6, ‘Voix de femmes’ (2013).

MARTIN Bronwen: Honorary Research Fellow at Birkbeck College, University of London. Author of three books on ​​ J.M.G. Le Clézio, The Search for Gold: Space and Meaning in J.M.G. Le Clézio (1995), Le Clézio: Le Procès-verbal (2005) and The Fiction of J.M.G. Le Clézio: A Postcolonial Reading (20  ​​​​ ). She has also published ​​ in the field of semiotics and critical discourse analysis.

MOSER Keith: Professor of French and Francophone Studies at Mississippi State University. He is the author of five full-length book projects. His latest monograph is entitled The Encyclopedic Philosophy of Michel Serres: Writing the Modern World and Anticipating the Future (2016). Moser has also contributed more than fifty essays to peer-reviewed publications representing many divergent fields including French and Francophone studies, environmental ethics, ecocriticism, ecolinguistics, biosemiotics, social justice, popular culture, and Maghrebi/Harki literature.

PAPEN Robert: Professor Emeritus, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada.

DER DRIFT Martha: Ph.D. in Romance Languages - French and Francophone Studies. Former Lecturer of French at Duke University, NC - USA. Independent French instructor and researcher in New Hampshire, USA where she also volunteers with community centers to promote the French language and Francophone films.

VOGL Mary: teaches French at Colorado State University where she chairs the Department of Languages, Literatures & Cultures. She co-translated Open Correspondence by Khatibi and Khayat and has published on Le Clézio, Djebar, Ben Jelloun, Laroui, El Maleh, Kilito, Orientalist art and art in the Maghreb.